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Why not give up with the blog?

Well, here I am again after nearly a year without posting anything. Last year when I started my Master studies everything was so exciting. However, I am (was) not the type of person that will have active personal live exposure on the internet. And I am still not that person, I like social media for fun and entertainment. So, there was a a personal barrier on how to continue with it.

However, I decided to come back to it, not because I have changed my mind and decided to expose my life, but I want to share my learning. It might be relevant for some, might not be relevant for others, but it will be definitely relevant for myself. I do not have in mind the format of it yet and not sure how my posts will ended up being in the future. Although, I know I want to highlight my main learning and thoughts.

Unfortunately, most of my learning content from my University time in Brasil is at my home computer which I do not know if stills turns on. So, sadly, I will not share it for now. Maybe in the future...

Feel free to get in touch if you have suggestions or comments.

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